

Today is D-DAY !
Yaaaaaaay ! Less than 3 or 4 hours from now i'll go to Japan ! Hehehehehehe x3
Wish me luck guys !
Doain semua lancar aja okay (:


New !

I bought new glasses today ! Hihi
Back to black again. The white one's too blurry right now. So i decided to buy a new one.
Well, what do you think ? :3


Heloo ! Good morning everyone !
Its 1 day left to my Japan trip. Yes i'll go tomorrow. At 8 pm maybe.
I already packed my clothes. And i still have to take my winter boots at codefin maybe. I wish there's someone could drive me there.
Yes, its kinda difficult for me and my mom since my stupid driver resigned. But its okay though. I hate when he over react or when he act childish ==

Oh ! I wanna tell something. I lost my slr necklace by the way. Its weird because i always put it in 1 place with other necklaces. And i lost my school shoe too. The white one ):
I hate to wear the black one the whole week.

I dont know why i feel so unlucky these days. I hope nothing gonna happen when i'm in the airplane and when i'm in Japan --a



Today i skip fitness.
Tadinya mau beli kacamata, tapi ternyata nyokap ngomong doang haha

Anyways, i just opened my freezer and look what's in there ?
I was like 'what the ?' seeing those lol
Too bad its just 3 flavours ; belgian chocolate, coffee, and macadamia nut..


Break fasting.

At Pacific Place today.
We're eating at the japanese resto called Aji Tei. I ordered Sushi Set 3 and the bowl is soo big !
Tapi isinya es batu doang haha. And for desert i ordered Macha Sundae Anmitsu X3


McD part 2

Jawabannya adalah ice cream sundae chocolate hahahaha
Foto di atas adl Rara yg lagi keenakan nyedot ice cream sedotan buatan dia sendiri
Haha freak bgt dah post an gue xD


Bisa tebak ini apa ? xD

Preparation to Japn part 2

Masih kemaren juga. Abis fitness akhirnya gue, rara, susan jalan2 bentar di kemang ngeliat butik sama petshop.

Tadinya ke sana mau liat tas gitu yg leopard printed. Tapi akhirnya malah liat2 sepatu hehe
Gue naksir sepatu item putih rajut gitu, rara naksir some kind of oxford ankle boots leopard, susan naksir winter boots fur yg di foto. Tapi ternyata yg punya susan ga ada sizenya dan akhirnya gue yg nyoba dan ternyata pas ! Hehehe :b

Berhubung gue punya syal leopard dan gue bakal bawa ke Jepang jadi gue mikir kenapa engga gue beli bootsnya hehe
Akhirnya gue yg beli deh tu bootsnya X3

Bule & Bajaj

Yesterday before we (me, wina, and susan) went to kemang for fitness, pas lagi asik2nya becanda2. Tau2 wina teriak 'BULE !!!' sambil nunjuk ke arah depan mobil gue.
Dan tiba2 ada bule aja lho nangkring di belakang bajaj. Yaoloooohhh !!
Otomatis kita bertiga yg tadinya diem2 aja langsung ketawa. Mana bulenya lumayan tapi kenapa freak bener ya hahaha


Preparation to Japan part 1

Heyooo ! Long time no update, eh ?

Hehehe lagi terlalu males untuk ngeblog kemaren2. Dan lagi males ngenet juga sebenernya :b

Facebook sudah tidak seasik dulu, myspace cuma ngecek, FS lebih malesin lagi. sekarang kerjaan gue cuman ngubek yutub, ngubek LJ, sama fb itu juga cuma bales2 ato cuma liat brg2 onlineshop hehehe

By the way and finally i will go to Japan next week ! Well, to be exact on 12 of sept hehehe :3
Gambar diatas itu dalam rangka vaksinasi flu. jadi biar nanti pas di sana ga kena swine flu. Udah lama ga disuntik tu sakit ya ):